Gardening by the Seaside
Gardening by the seaside has unique challenges and benefits. Often the climate is milder, less prone to frost and snow, but equally coastal gardens suffer from sea spray heavy with salt. Some of these gardens can be second homes, and so the garden must fend for itself for periods.
If a seaside garden is very exposed, it may be necessary to create a windbreak to create shelter before planting anything. A hedge is better than a wall or a fence, which can create wind eddies and be blown down. A mixed hedge can be formed from many of the shrubs listed below. If garden pots are unattended for periods, a good tip is to add water gel crystals to the soil, which will help to retain water; good also is a mulch, stones and shells look attractive.
Gardens near the sea need tough plants - These are just a few suggestions depending on your personal preferences; all are suitable for seaside gardens. There are many more plant and shrub suggestions at : Shrubs for seaside gardens and plants for seaside gardens.

Perovskia common name, Russian Sage, is an ideal seaside plant, a deciduous perennial shrub grown for its soft lavender-blue flowers and aromatic leaves. It is easy to grow, likes a dry sunny spot with no more attention than to be cut back, not too harshly, in the spring. It has a woody base and when cutting back, do not cut into the wood too much. A bonus is that the bees go wild for Perovskia, and although not visible in the image on the left, this plant was covered in bees. It looks good in a seaside setting and in the image it is nestled along a blue fence, which was a great combination. P.Atriplicifolia ' Blue Spire' is a good variety and has the RHS garden merit award.
Rosa Rugosa

As a Rose, the Rugosa variety is much more tolerant than other roses of the difficult coastal conditions, related as it is to the wild rose.
Large red or orange hips follow the summer flowers. It is easy to grow and can be planted to form a hedge, but beware the thorns. Unlike many roses, the Rugosa is tolerant and if it is not pruned every year, it will still flower the following summer. It grows up to 2 metres and Rosa Rugosa is deciduous, so in the winter it will be bare. It is fast growing and very forgiving of growing conditions. It's also known as the salt spray rose. The only condition it dislikes it wet soil.

Photinia fraseri 'Red Robin' A popular, easy to grow garden shrub, which requires very little attention. The new spring growth of foliage is a vibrant red. It produces the best colour when planted in full sun, but Photinia will grow anywhere provided there are no cold, drying winds. It is a little tender, classified ** hardy, which is why it is ideal for seaside gardens and grows up to 5m (15ft) and is often used to make a seaside hedge.

Potentilla is a very tough, deciduous shrub which flowers from late spring onwards. Saucer like flowers commonly either white, yellows, pinks and red. Growing up to 1m (3ft) it can form into a low hedge or form part of a mixed border. It needs no attention, it is easy to maintain, and reliable in a seaside garden.
Meconopsis Poppy

If you are looking for something unusual to grow, Meconopsis grandis, common name Himalayan Blue Poppy, has stunning blue flowers. Meconopsis is suitable for some coastal gardens, but it is very particular about growing conditions, with a strong preference to be planted where it is cool and damp. It cannot be grown successfully in sunny dry conditions.
If your coastal garden is shady, damp in one of the cooler areas of the UK, Meconopsis will grow well. Tips on how to grow Mecononopsis
If you have a sheltered sea side garden, Escallonia makes a fantastic hedge. This image is of an Escallonia hedge growing in Guernsey. The shrub has so much going for it, lovely glossy leaves, neat habit, delicate flowers.
Many Escallonia are slightly tender but there are fully hardy varieties; more information about growing Escallonia and different varieties.
More ideas about shrubs and plants suitable for coastal gardens:-