How to grow Choisya the Mexican Orange blossom shrub

To me is one of the must have shrubs. The shrub is evergreen, has glossy leaves, and it responds to pruning; best of all, it is scented. Every time I walk around the garden in May and June, I can enjoy its sweet scent.
Choisya is a late spring flowering evergreen shrub with scented white flowers. It is one of the best scented evergreen garden shrubs. It has an impressive combination of lush, evergreen foliage together with beautifully scented flowers. Choiysa is a medium-sized shrub growing to around 1.5 -2.5m, ideal for an average-sized garden. To me, it is one of the must have shrubs. Every time I walk around the garden in May and June, I can enjoy its sweet scent.
Although primarily early summer flowering, Choisya often has a second flush of flowers in autumn.

The two popular varieties are Choisya ' Aztec Pearl' illustrated above right, and C. ternata, left both in flower.
The main difference is in the leaf. Aztec Pearl has a wider leaf, Choisya ternata has a narrower leaf. In the image C ternata is on the left and Aztec pearl on the right.
There is also a variety of Choisya ternata ' Sundance' which has attractive yellow foliage which is usually grown in semi shade for its leaf colour, as it hardly ever flowers.
Where to plant Choisya
Choisya flower best planted in full sun and in well-drained soil sheltered from cold winds. Choisya will tolerant most soil types including Chalk, Clay, Loam, Sand and also Acid, Alkaline, Neutral. In common with many plants, the only conditions in which Choisya will struggle to thrive is in wet or poorly drained soil.
Choisya has lush shiny foliage and one thing these images cannot show is the wonderful perfume. Choisya is a highly scented shrub which gives rise to its common name of Mexican orange blossom. The scent is wonderful, especially on a warm evening and a good shrub to plant close to a patio to enjoy its perfume.
Choisya is hardy H4, which is -5-10 suitable for most parts of the UK. To have the best scent and flowers plant in a sheltered, sunny spot. In late May/June, white, fragrant flowers cover the Choisya, as the image illustrates.
Most commonly grown Choisya are:
C.Aztec Pearl, which has RHS award of garden merit, compact spreading up to 2.5m (8ft) with strongly scented flowers.
C.ternata, again with RHS award, of a similar size and with scented flowers.
Choisya × dewitteana 'Aztec Gold' has narrower leaves which are gold coloured maturing to green. A more compact version growing to around 1.2m with scented flowers.
Choisya × dewitteana White Dazzler, has narrow leaves and scented flowers. It is more compact growing to around 1.2m making it more suitable for container growing.
Choisya × dewitteana Apple Blossom, a new variety with very pretty flowers, tinged with pink and red opening to white. This smallest variety, growing to around .5m, is ideal for pots and patios, but its flowers are unscented.
And better still, a compact variety called Choisya 'Little Bee' growing to around 50cm /20" with lovely delicate white blooms which are scented. Ideal for patio and containers, all varieties are available from Suttons including the lovely compact, fragrant C. Little Bee
Choisya ternata in garden setting

C. ternata 'aztec pearl'

How to Prune Choisya
For general maintenance, prune Choisya after flowering, if desired. Remove the top 20 cms of growth to keep in shape and to size.
What if the Choisya has become too large? Also, sometimes Choisya can become bare at the bottom of the plant or leggy.
In the images below, the Choisya, which has been growing in the same spot for many years and mostly looking good, is looking a bit tired. To rejuvenate Choisya, you can hard prune it, similarly to Rhododendrons, cutting hard into the wood; be quite savage. It will grow back and be healthier with new glossy foliage, although it may take a season or two. The middle image shows cutting back the Choisya, low down to the ground. The final images show the Choisya after cutting back, it looks quite denuded but it will grow back, and better.

Poorly looking Choisya

Pruning hard back

Choisya cut back