What to do about Euonymus Scale a common disease

Euonymus are virtually trouble free, but now and again, a problem can arise. One of my web visitors sent this image to me asking for help to identify and deal with the infestation, and kindly let me use this image.
This is the Euonymus Scale, which is now found all over the UK. It's a sap sucking pest originally found only on the south coast but working is a way around the UK. It can damage the foliage and cause die back. It typically appears between April and August.
Organic advice is to encourage predators, which are mainly ladybirds and in particular the kidney lady bird, but hard to find. You can scrape or brush them off. If repeated brushing off the leaves does not solve the problem, or if the infestation is severe, you may have to resort to a commercial pesticide to dispose of the infestation.
There are some good organic spray which will require repeated application as their effect is short-lived.