Shrubs and plants flowering in March

Looking for shrubs and plants which are in flower and at their best in March? 

The gallery below illustrates some of the most common and easy to grow March flowering shrubs and plants. Although March is dominated by spring bulbs, there are other plants and shrubs to choose for your March garden.

Its Tulip time

Tulip Estella Rijnveld Parrot

March is the beginning of Tulip time in the garden. There is  a vast array of colours.  Illustrated is the unusual Tulip Estella Rijnveld Parrot.

More about the different types of tulips and  how to grow tulips.  There are only a few tulips which return after the first year of planting more about perennial tulips 


Forsythia in flower

It may be bright and a bit blowsy, but Forsythia is a welcome splash of colour, reliable and very easy to grow. 

It can be planted and trained as a hedge. There is also a less common, white variety, which is slightly less hardy and fragrant  called Abeliophyllum distichum, available to buy from Crocus.

scented narcissus

Narcissus-scented-'Fragrant Rose'

By March we are awash with Daffodils bringing colour to gardens everywhere.

In addition to colour, many daffodils are scented. Illustrated is Narcissus scented 'Fragrant Rose' and there are many more well worth cultivating.


Magnolia stellata jane platt

Magnolia has beautiful often scented flowers which appear early and ahead of the leaves. It is easy to be put off Magnolia as being too large for the average garden, but there are several suited to smaller gardens. Available from Crocus ( affiliate links) M Fairy Blush with soft pink flowers 2.4m; M 'Joli Pompom'  3m and even a semi evergreen hedging Magnolia 2.4m


Erysimum 'Artist Paintbox' subtle colours and richly scented

Erysimum, common name wallflowers, is richly scented and long flowering. A short-lived perennial which is still worth growing for its wonderful scent, growing tips. Not all wallflowers are scented,  check the variety. Illustrated is Erysimum 'Artist Paintbox' which is scented and available from Thompson and Morgan.

Iris reticulata

iris reticulata and tete a tete a lovely spring flowering combination

This is a small Iris growing to just a few centimetres.

Notwithstanding its small size, it packs a punch with its iridescent blue flowers ideal alongside low growing daffodils. 

It makes a nice combination planted with small Tête-à-tête daffodils 

Marsh marigold

Marsh Marigold

Another bright splash of yellow comes from caltha palustris whose common name Marsh Marigold.

A perennial plant which grows well in boggy areas and streamside.  It will multiply over time to provide a lovely yellow edge to streams and pond, but unlike many pond type plants, it is not invasive.

Ribes sanguineum

red flowers of Ribes sanguineum

Ribes sanguineum is a commonly grown, deciduous spring flowering shrub. It produces the best flowers when grown in full sun and it is fully hardy.

Some people find the smell off putting a bit  "catty".  If you are walking past gardens on s spring morning and wonder  about this smell, its probably Ribes.


Berginia bressingham white

Illustrated is Beginia 'Bressingham white'. Bergenia is easy to grow in sun or shade. It is a perennial with large leathery leaves and flower in shades of pink, red, magenta and white. It is a grow anywhere plant except boggy conditions.


white spring flowering shrubSpiraea canescens

There are a number of varieties of Spiraea which flower at different times of the year. This is Spiraea 'Arguta' which is spring flowering, deciduous, with arching branches covered in very white flowers.

It looks much nicer than my photograph and is available from Crocus


primula candelabra a tall variety in shades of purple suitable for damp comditins

There are many different types of Primula. They are spring flowering, mostly perennial but the Polyanthus varieties is usually treated as spring  bedding. 

Check out the different types of Primula and how to grow them


Aubretia is a simple perennial, easy to grow flowering in spring and attractive to bees. Don't forget to give it a haircut from time to time.

Shown here with a spring perennial bulb, the Snake's head fritallia.