How and where to grow Pittosporum

Pittosporum is an evergreen shrub with delicate slender leaves. If you are looking for a compact, easy to grow, attractive evergreen shrub, Pittosporum is ideal. The most commonly grown in UK gardens are variations of Pittosporum tenuifolium.
There are a lot to choose from, Pittosporum tenuifolium range from compact varieties, such as P. Tom thumb around .5m ( illustrated above right) mid range varieties P. ' Gold Star' 1.5-2.5m and taller varieties such as Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Queen' around 4m. The image left is of P. 'Silver Queen' taken at RHS harlow Carr. Whatever your size of garden, there is a variety of Pittosporum to fit.
Most of the P.tenuifolium are H4 or H5, which is hardy in most places in the UK, but Pittosporum will not thrive in cold spots and dislikes chilly winds. The image shows the Pittosporum planted in a sheltered spot, protected by a large hedge.
To achieve this hardy rating, Pittosporum needs to be planted in well-drained soil and will not tolerate damp or wet winter conditions. If very cold conditions are forecast, - 8 and below, it may be necessary to cover a young shrub with a fleece.
Pittosporum will tolerate light or partial shade, although the varieties with dark or variegated leaves produce the best leaf colour in full sun.
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball', 'Gold Star', and 'Tandara Gold' varieties all have small, sweet, honey-scented flowers.
Pittosporum is a neatly shaped compact shrub, which is ideal for a mixed garden border. I took the image above in the winter at RHS Harlow Carr. The Pittosporum was growing in a northern garden (close to Harrogate,) shows that in the right growing conditions, good dry soil and sheltered, Pittosporum is hardy .
The image right is an attractive combination of P. 'Tom Thumb' with ferns taken at the Fletcher Moss gardens in Didsbury Manchester. Which incidentally, is well worth a visit. I expected just the normal urban type park, what a surprise! A park, lovely planted gardens with ponds, a formal garden in the old Parsonage draped in Wisteria and beautifully planted plus woodlands and wild area and a great cafe. Really worth a trip out.

How to Prune Pittosporum and grow as a hedge

Pittosporum is an easy to grow shrub, almost maintenance free as it does not really need pruning. Usually it has a naturally neat conical shape. You can tidy up Pittosporum with a light prune between April and July if needed to trim it back into shape. Just take the shears to it for a neat overall trim.
Pittosporum can be clipped into an informal hedge and are ideal for coastal gardens. Illustrated is a Pittosporum hedge, which is nicer than it looks. The leaves have a delicate pink tinge.
If you would like to know more about Pittosporum the RHS has a plant assessment ' Pittosporum tenuifolium
hybrids & cultivars by Diana M Miller' has more detailed information and images.

Definitely a green wheelbarrow plant requiring very little attention or maintenance.