Sweet Peas for next summer
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We may be sliding towards winter but its good to look forward to next spring and summer. Personally I love Sweet Peas, I know they are considered by many as old fashioned but I find their colours and scent irresistible.
And if you want to get a head start next spring now is the time to sow them and they will be ready to plant out early spring
Mainly though I like to sleep through the winter and spend this time of year putting the garden to bed. Raking out the worst of the weeds and clearing the veg patch piling it up with manure to rot down further over winter.
If you have tender plants they should be in by now as the frosts are starting to bite and mulch what you can - a thick layer of mulch on the Agapanthus to keep them going over winter.
And time just to look and marvel at the autumn colour.
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