Save seed plants for free
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This time of year, early autumn, is ideal for collecting seed . I like to grow foxgloves, when I say grow, they grow themselves really, but they are so attractive to the bees and stand out in the border . Digitalis are good self seeders and distribute seed naturally on the wind all around the garden. I usually let them seed themselves randomly but also I like to get a clump growing together for better effect and to do this I pick a few of the seed heads, as they are drying, and take to a suitable spot in the garden and distribute, shake out, the seed. Each seed head containers hundreds of seeds and this is a good time of year to do it. I also seed some into the propagator and grow on separately so I can have some extra plants . Bear in mind that Digitalis, Foxgloves are Biennials which means generally they raise foliage one year and flowers the next but if you get them established in the garden you will not notice their Biennual nature as some will always be in flower each season. This year a lovely white Digitalis with a speckled purple throat arrived and I decided it was definitely a candidate for saving seed so I can get it established in the garden. All Digitalis are loved by bees which is for me reason enough to grow them. At this time of year I start to think of next year and changes to the garden, mistakes and good points. If you are thinking of growing more bee friendly plants follow the link for some ideas for next year. Its just great in the summer to look at the plants and see them covered in bees and butterflies and all the plants listed in the wildlife section are bee magnets. Many annuals are really easy to collect and grow from seed such as Sweet Peas, Nigella (love in the mist) Calendula (English Marigold) Californian poppies. Centaurea ( Cornflower) Nasturtium Helianthus annus (Sunflowers ). Save the seed into envelopes and for annuals and spring sowing I keep it in the fridge over winter so its cool and dry.
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