Today in the garden at 14 degrees it was and felt unseasonably warm; where is winter? This is one of the longest Autumns throughout which it has remained mild during September, October and remarkably November. For the first time in a long time, because of the continuing warm temperatures, all the tomatoes ripened in the greenhous there was no need to cut back the vines and bring them indoors.
Plants are still blooming as in the image left, a nasturtium in flower on 22.11.2014 and up until mid November I was still picking sweet peas, which I simply have never done before in any gardening season.
The perennials are showing growth, as in the image and the weeds are equally vigorous. Cutting back the perennials and removing what's left of the herbaceous plants has highlighted the weeds, although I don't expect to weed in shirt sleeves at this time of year. The air and borders were full of flies, clouds of them swirling around as I disturbed the undergrowth, so unpleasant.
This long mild spell is about to come to an end as a frost is forecast for Sunday night. At last seasonal weather and a good frost should help to kill of bugs and flies. We definately need it.